The youth is the hope of our fatherland.
Surely everyone will agree that youth empowerment can be attained through educating our children.
The belief in education is so strong that when everything else has been taken away; it is treated as the answer to all our problems. And it all begins with education-at home , in school, and in the community.
And educating our children depends much on us, parents and teachers. The school is just there to assist the children in their needs and not to be solely held responsible in educating them...
The youth are the instruments toward achieving the vision of youth empowerment.they probably just do not realize that they have what adults, because they have what adults do not have. And these are laughter, fantasy, spontaneity, acceptance an trust.These are important requirements in educating oneself.
We can all emphasize.Childhood carries with a certain sense of freedom. Kids do not have to worry about putting food on the table or paying bills. Other people do their laundry and they play as long as they want.. Kids may have to work at getting their homework in on time, but it is not a matter of life and death. It is simply a matter of lower grades.
Responsibility is more than providing our children with the materials things they need. Responsibility means keeping your promises even the unspoken ones. And if for some reasons you fail to fulfill a promise, you take a full responsibility. You apologize, make amends, and then begin again...
The youth is the hope of our future. ๐
TumugonBurahinI agree on that๐
BurahinYes, Youth are helps to our nation.. and to share there knowledge what things they've learn..